l 代数组合 群与图
l 代数图论 置换群理论
l 高等代数,抽象代数,线性代数,离散数学
l 有限置换群、图论
l 201301-201312,应用群论研究无平方因子阶2-弧传递图的对称性,国家自然科学基金, 11226276
l 201701-201912,无平方因子阶图的对称性和局部结构研究,国家自然科学基金, 11601005
1. Cai heng Li, Zaiping Lu and Gaixia Wang, Vertex-Transitive Cubic Graphs of Square-Free Order, Journal of Graph Theory, 75(2014), 1-19.
2. Cai heng Li, Zaiping Lu and Gaixia Wang, The vertex-transitive and edge-transitive tetravalent graphs of square-free order, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 42(2015),25-50.
3. Caiheng Li, Zaiping Lu and Gaixia Wang, On edge-transitive graphs of square-free order, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorica 22(3)(2015),#P3.25
4. Caiheng Li, Zaiping Lu and Gaixia Wang, Arc-transitive graphs of square-free order and small valency, Discrete Mathematics, 339(2016), 2907-2918.
5. Gai Xia Wang and Zai Ping Lu, The Two-arc-transitive Graphs of Square-free Order Admitting Alternating or Symmetric Groups, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 104(2018)127-144.
6. Beilei Gao and Gaixia Wang, Central reflexice rings with an involution, Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, 40(2020), 119-126.
7.Gaixia Wang and Beilei Gao, Finite two-arc-regular graphs admitting an almost simple group, Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, 41(2021), 7-13.